Friday, September 29, 2006

State Senate Blocks Action on Transportation

Indulging his fetish for increased taxes, Senator John Chichester has demonstrated once more why it is long past the time that we retired this chucklehead.

As much as two billion dollars in surplus tax revenue, and he wouldn't vote for anything that didn't include higher taxes.

Not that the House of Delegates covered itself in glory. A $1.5 billion bond package that would have sent only $375 million to Northern Virginia over five years --- 25% of the total --- is just a continuation of the same old problems of raping Northern Virginia to subsidize projects in other parts of the Commonwealth. I can't see a single good reason for Northern Virginians to vote for it. But at least it was something.

It was certainly more than Governor Timmy! and his Democrat/Repubmocrat allies offered.

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