Thursday, October 18, 2007

Marc Fisher Owes Corey Stewart An Apology

Here's what Fisher had, in part, to say today:
This, to Prince William's great credit, was a real, honest, old-fashioned hearing in which everyone got to hear each other. Lately, governments in Fairfax, the District and Maryland have turned to cynical tricks to diffuse and defuse citizens' voices: "breakout groups" and "town hall" sessions in which the public is shunted to little tables and forced to talk to hired consultants rather than elected officials.
But this is how he was attacking Corey Stewart on his blog, "Raw Fisher," on Tuesday:
When the top official in the county sends out a mailing to every resident less than a month before that official is standing for reelection, and when that mailing costs $31,000 in tax dollars, and when the mailing does nothing but remind voters that that same official's pet proposal is coming up for a vote today, something's fishy.
And while Fisher says Stewart's action is "not the sleaziest campaign tactic of the week" --- he attributes that honor to Democrat Rex Simmons, causing one to wonder why that story was not the lead of his blog posting --- he does describe Stewart's mailing as a "usurpation of public money to push his campaign against" Democrat challenger Sharon Pandak.

Yeah, right. One that resulted in "a real, honest, old-fashioned hearing in which everyone got to hear each other."

Can't have had one without the other, Marc. 'Fact is, Corey Stewart's mailer facilitated that "real, honest, old-fashioned hearing in which everyone got to hear each other." Yet you have criticized him for it.

Fisher owes Corey Stewart an apology. Either that, or he should be posting at Ranting Kids ... er, Raising Dough ... er, "Raising Kaine," the Criticize-all-Republicans-all-the-time-over-everything blog.

1 comment:

Kurt said...

I was dumbfounded when I went to the BOCS web page the day before the "hearing", went to the BOCS current meeting agenda, and clicked on the "Illegal Immigration Measures" item and found nothing there except a note that "This Item Will Be Made Available at the Meeting." We were all invited personally by Chairman Stewart to ensure our voice was heard on this critical issue, yet there was no information available so that we could make an informed and knowledgeable input on the real particulars of what was actually being considered by the BOCS. Further, when I arrived at the BOCS meeting, I was told by staff that there were no specific materials available. Huh? This apparently caused most of the citizen's time speakers, both pro and con, to discuss the overall issues, emotions, and politics of illegal immigration, with little or no discussion of the content of whatever it is that our BOCS voted on. Did I miss something here???? Was this just a RES 07-609 do over again??