Sunday, November 04, 2007

Know Your District

Ran into an old political ally this afternoon, and he informed me that he had removed scores of signs for Aracely Panameno, the Mexicanos sin Frontieras candidate running a write-in campaign against Neabsco District Democrat John Jenkins.

Now, normally I frown upon such activity. Whether legally placed or not, signs constitute the hard work of a candidate and his/her campaign, and should be respected.

But for some reason, these signs were placed on the median down Waterway Drive.

Memo to the candidate: Montclair is in the Dumfries District, not Neabsco.

You would think that someone offering him/herself for public office would show the wit to know which neighborhoods are in his/her district.

This sounds a lot like the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight.

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