Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hilda Goes Negative

Well, given her thus-far lackluster campaign, it's hardly surprising that Hilda Barg has gone negative against Jeff Frederick. Denizens of the blogosphere know that far Lefties have spent weeks trying to wrap the guilty-until-proven-innocent Tom DeLay around his neck, and now Hilda has gotten in on the act, too. And the Youngs were push-polled months ago, with lots of innuendo against the "shadowy" Council on National Policy (of which some of my best friends are members).

Today, on FX, I saw the first ad. It wasn't very good, with a lot of nonsense about "all that Hilda has done for the community." Oddly, it failed to mention sprawl and higher taxes. But then, it immediately segued into an attack ad against Frederick.

I guess that's perhaps one reason why you can't download and view it from her website.

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