Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Notable Day

Sadly, I sit here on the edge of Los Angeles, satisfying professional responsibilities, on the anniversary of my marriage to the lovely and gracious Mrs. Young, which occurred twenty years ago this afternoon at a tiny little Lutheran church in College Park, Georgia.

It is a measure of her quality as a spouse and helpmate that she has not expressed a great deal of upset over this turn of events, while also noting that she still misses me (with every shot so far?) when I go out of town.

In any case, while I rarely note or comment upon personal milestones here, I exercise a point of personal privilege to say "Happy Anniversary, dearest, and thanks for twenty great years, two beautiful sons, and boundless love and understanding!"

Now, let the snarky comments spring forth!


Kat said...

Oh, James, snark against a 20 year old marriage? NEVER!

May God continue to richly bless you both as you honor your marriage vows, love one another, and raise good and godly sons. I pray that our Lord continues to knit you and your Lady closer each and every day so that you truly become "one flesh."

I hope you are blessed with at least forty more years of a loving and grace-filled marriage that shines forth with God's love, so that everyone may see it and praise our Father in Heaven!

Best blessings, and congratulation!

Staff said...

Congrats on the achievement James. Here's wishing you and your wife many, many more happy years.

BillRead said...

Ditto what Kat said. We made 20 years back in March. I can't imagine anything more satisfying or commendable.

James Young said...

Obviously, I was expecting the typical Virginia blogosphere response.

Nevertheless, many thanks.

And as for you, Bill, how did we BOTH find women who tolerate the hirsute? ;-)