Saturday, March 07, 2009

Why Doesn't This Surprise?

Apparently, one of the moonbats formerly known as one of the Ranting Kids is in high dudgeon over the decision of President Barry's Secretary of the Interior to delist wolves from the endangered species list under the Endangered Species Act.

Now, if you begin from the premise that an objective standard exists by which we can determine that certain species are "endangered" or not --- never mind that, having spent the last hundred years canonizing Darwin, the ESA is little more than an effort to overcome application of his theory --- it would seem to follow that circumstances exist for both putting species on the list, and for removing them.

Of course, if you begin from the premise that government must always grow and seize more control over our lives, then removing them becomes anathema, no matter how well they are doing as a species.

Guess which premise informs the moonbat formerly known as one of the Ranting Kids?

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