The errant and undisciplined ruminations of a Conservative public interest attorney, GOP activist, and father of two sons. Nothing herein should be confused with tolerance of folly, RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), sufferance of fools gladly, or endorsement of perversion.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Today's Question
It's not the question you think it is.
As this video demonstrates, the only question to be answered today is whether Charlie Crist is a liar?
We shall see.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Trying To Cast Idiocy Down The Memory Hole
Fortunately, the original post was preserved on Waldo Jaquith's indispensable Virginia Political Blog Blogroll. Here's the post, titled "Cuccinelli too Busy with Tea Parties to Defend Constitution," as it appears on Waldo's blogroll:
Virginia’s Attorney General has been so busy making public appearances with tea parties and gun rights groups this week he seems to have totally missed that James Madison University’s newspaper room was raided y local police.
Intimidation of any newspaper office by local police raises some significant constitutional questions and since JMU is a state school you would think the Attorney General might come to the aid of the press office. He has not.
Suggesting how much confidence the Breeze Newspaper has in the Attorney General, they have announced they are now consulting with the Student Press Law Center in Arlington.
Watch the story unfold in the voices of students.
Now, never mind that Doug Smith over at that site has apparently missed Cuccinelli's attempt to defend Virginians against unconstitutional "health care reform," pursuant to a statute passed with bipartisan support --- as opposed to BarryCare, which enjoyed bipartisan opposition --- by the Virginia legislature. No, wait! He trashes that.
And never mind that legitimate questions can be raised over whether a publication of the Commonwealth --- which any student newspaper at a state institution of higher learning is --- enjoys First-Amendment protection against another instrumentality of the Commonwealth, i.e., law enforcement.
No. Instead, Smith suggests that the Attorney General has some obligation to "come to the aid of the press office" raided by local law enforcement authorities.
Of course, Virginia's Attorney General has few, if any, law enforcement powers, and even less authority over local law enforcement officials.
And, of course, the Democrat candidate for the office waived his experience as an assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, even though Virginia's Attorney General has few, if any, law enforcement powers, and --- as a Democratic member of the House of Delegates reminded me last night --- ran worst among Democrat statewide candidates in 2009.
But why should a partisan Democrat let the facts get in the way of an ill-informed (and ill-edited) far-Left rant against Attorney General Cuccinelli?
And why was that ill-informed far-Left rant removed?
Could it be because it revealed its author as ignorant of the matters about which he presumed to comment?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Barney Frank: Fair Game
So enough already about whether or not he was called a "faggot" when he decided to get in the face of TEA Party protesters a day before voting on final passage of so-called "Health Care Reform." Barney Fag set the terms of the debate months ago. And since it is likely that he has participated in the activity he uses to smear the TEA Party activists enough times to know that it's both a smear, and more applicable to him than it is to them, the outrage of both him and his defenders about having the "faggot" epithet hurled at him is feigned
TEA Party protesters were --- even if true --- merely fighting fire with fire. And if Frank can't take it, perhaps he shouldn't have dished it out.
New Group Formed To Smear TEA Party Activists
Its stated goal is "to dismantle and demolish the Tea Party movement by any non-violent means necessary."
They claim to be "A nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons; who constitute the fake grass-roots movement which calls itself 'The Tea Party.'" Interestingly, no one has honestly identified themselves with the group, as far as I can tell. Certainly, no identifiably Republican has been so associated with the group.
Nevertheless, to this stated end, the group promises to "act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities (misspelled protest signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.) to further distance them from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them."
No word on whether "Crash the Tea Party!" will likewise use an appalling lack of ability to use appropriate punctuation (i.e., "misspelled protest signs; wild claims in TV interviews; etc.";"that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons who constitute....") or the English language (i.e., "that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons [which] constitutes....") to the same end.
For those who need a translation, a more honest statement would be "We are a bunch of far Lefties who, fearful of the power and influence of the Tea Party, will be attempting to infiltrate it and act as agents provacateur to convey our own false and libelous caricature of members of the group." More information to this end appears here.
One wonders how quick Virginia's moonbatosphere will be to attack this effort at provocation?